Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Biggest Loser

is not ME!

I was pretty sedentary today. I only had in about 4000 steps by the time I took off the pedometer and that was even with a 15 minute walk at work.

I also feel like I ate a lot. AND I am not even going to do the dishes tonight. I am going to go to bed as soon as the TV show is over. I am so tired and my feet hurt so bad!

Weight this morning was STILL 214.0. Argh I really want to see that 213!

Happy today for coming home for lunch. I am supposed to be taking my lunch to work to be saving gas, but I came home today and made tuna salad and watched TV and relaxed and got out of that building and it felt so good. I wish gas weren't so expensive. At least now it is warm. There are parks near the office and even if I take my lunch I will be able to walk or drive to the park and get out of the building and eat my lunch. I will just have to be good and plan ahead.


Deb said...

Were you pleased with the show's results?

This is the second season I've watched--truly touched by the camaraderie between and among the couples and teams as the show wended its way toward last night's finale.

People are good.

Hope said...

I am happy Ally (sp?) won. I have a similar story - swam/ athletic in HS gained 5 pounds a year - before you know it it's a hundred pounds! I hope she keeps it off. It was so fast to lose so much weight, but she really seems happy and really seems to have made lifestyle changes.