Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Twinkie Tiramisu...

Someone at work found this recipe and we all talked about it for days and I finally made it tonight. Others contributed to the ingredients because the instant espresso powder was $5 for the jar. Guess what! I forgot to put the coffee in the second layer. We'll see if anybody discovers my error. I already had the next layer of cream on before I noticed it so it was too late to go back. Oh well, that's the way the tiramisu crumbles!

I wrote a real, live letter to someone tonight. I want to get back in the habit. A couple of years ago I had a goal of writing two a month or something like that and did it for quite a while before I pooped out. I have complained and poetried about people Facebooking instead of blogging, but I think I have substituted blogging for letter writing. Even with as many details as I write about my life and I try to be completely honest, it's just not PERSONAL the way a letter is!

Tomorrow I hope to share a treasure I found at Mom and Dad's house. We'll see if I can get it ready.

I have a goal to work fifteen minutes on this shirt I have been modifying for a woman at work. I need to go work on it because it has been MONTHS since I started this project and I want it complete this week! I have a BIG list of unfinished projects and I want to start working on them again. As it gets colder I will spend less yard time and more project time, but there is no reason I can't spend a few minutes a day working a little on something.

Good night!

PS. I matted a framed a couple of my pictures - the first harvest from my garden and the bowl of tomato salad. I think they are pretty and would look nice on a kitchen wall, but I don't really have a spot for them. If anybody wants them let me know and I will send them. I can take a picture of they way they look framed if you'd like to make sure they will look good in your house.

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