Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Michael got high on Sunday.

So he had a lot of pictures taken of his adventures at the picnic. Top picture is the photographer (Jim) and his son Cameron, so you can see the appeal to him of taking pictures of my child doing the most dangerous things of any of the group of teenagers at the picnic - he's a danger freak too! Jim and Cameron aren't too high up swinging, but Cameron is holding on with one arm and Jim is swinging with one leg... yeah - did I say I have problems with anxiety? Now maybe you can all understand some of my worries. Second and third picture are Roma in high places. Fourth and fifth are Michael high. I guess if hippie boy is happy getting high in trees I won't have to worry about the other stuff.

Roma is going to spend at least part of this weekend with Jim, Cameron and their exchange student, Jan. ( Say it like Yon - a boy!) I think I will need to impress my desire for physically safe activities. I think Jim really likes Michael. It turns out Jim went on the 50 mile hike Michael completed a couple of years back and remembered him from that time, even though he hadn't seen him since then, Michael is two feet taller and his hair is two feet longer. And yep, Jim only had one leg on that hike. I guess that means blisters on only one foot... Michael had blisters on two feet!

While Michael worked at Bike Project tonight I did a walk downtown (YES, I took it easy!) I actually took it so easy that I stopped in Dharma Emporium to look around and check out the vinyl. I looked and looked for Rush and Led Zeppelin for Michael (I am working on Christmas already) and couldn't find any Rush at all. Finally I asked Rick if he had any and he said he thought it was all gone right now. Just as I was walking out the door I glanced down and saw a Rush album sitting in a box. I picked it up and it is the one that has "Xanadu" on it! Michael just told me a couple of days ago that if he had to listen to only one song for the rest of his life he would pick "Xanadu." Of course I didn't have any money with me AT ALL. So tomorrow I am supposed to call Rick at 12:30 and wake him up (rough life, being a hippie store owner), so I can go pick it up on my lunch hour. I am so psyched! I have started on Christmas already because of financial concerns and wanting to do a little at a time. I don't know if we'll have the homemade/secondhand RULE this year, but a lot of it is sure to be that way!

After I found that record I was so happy I couldn't stop smiling. I walked back to Bike Project and I was dying to tell Homefire, whom Michael has described as the "coolest person on earth" because I was so excited, but Michael never went away so I had to keep the secret until I got home and Emily called me.

Here's news. I am still freaking sore and in some pain, but I walked today anyway, because I kick ass. I want you all to know I was MAJORLY tempted to mow the lawn, but I resisted, because I am a strong person and the idea of bursting my incisions starting the mower grossed me out. So instead I drove Michael downtown instead of him riding, we got rid of three stray bikes from our garage (you know how with some kids it's puppies - here it is bikes), and I walked a couple of miles AND found a great Christmas gift. What more could a woman need? Okay - you all KNOW what more a woman could need, but I am not getting any right now. The idea of bursting incisions with any method doesn't sound too appetizing! :)

Happy today for: lots of stuff, new friends, hippies, hippie store with vinyl records and also Minute Maid juice pops. Also I told Roma he is allowed to cuss around me because he was afraid to call Bjorn an asshole... but I said, "that's exactly the word I was thinking of using too!"


Anonymous said...

Bjorn, like "Baby Bjorn" or Bjorn, Like something else? That's still one of my Favorite lines from Lost. Charlie to Claire, "Look, it's a Baby Bjorn!"

Hope said...

Bjorn like the boy's name in Swedish - only I am not sure what country this Bjorn is from.