...but just for a little while. He arrived this morning and went out to work at the hot dog stand for the bike team. I went out there after work and hung out for a while and talked to him and Lindsey. It was kind of pleasant. I made a quick trip to Aldi and he rode his bike home. He was starving, but neither of us felt like cooking. He said he really wanted to go to Max's Place because he likes the food and maybe there would be music. We drove downtown and took forever to find a parking space and then when we went in there was a band that sounded good, kind of bluesy, but it was so loud we couldn't have had a conversation at all. So we left and went to my friend Tamyra's place. It was more expensive (sigh), but we could talk so it was pleasant.
We didn't get home until late so Michael pretty much went right to bed and I am doing my usual thing. The only things left on my list are finish my laundry, which is in the dryer right now, and blog, which I am doing right now!
I am going to go meet a couple of internet friends in Ohio on Sunday and I am taking Monday off work, so I am excited about that!
Positive thougts today are for joy in being with my son. I am glad Emily found a job for the summer (no teaching job yet), but Chicago is so much farther away and I already didn't see her enough. I am so happy my children are nice people.
Adding a couple of pictures:
No fair: not sure I had close to that much hair at that age. I'll check out the photo album, but I think it was the age when riding the big plastic horse on springs was my thing. Who knows what was beneath that hat (but, if I recall, it didn't look like there was hair!)?
My pathetic young life, in print.
do you know my secret name ob fb?
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