Monday, May 25, 2009

Pictoral Proof...

Often when I say, "My house is really messy," people respond that it can't be really messy. I think because I THINK about it too much that people imagine I am OCD and keep house perfectly. After about two weeks of continuous activity and travel it was TRASHED. I spent all weekend working on the house, yard, garden, reading and watching a DVD. I did not go out socially the entire weekend. My friends who had to work felt cheated out of a holiday weekend. I cheated myself out of one by letting things get out of control in a major way. One of my basic three housekeeping goals is to have all the dishes clean at least once a day (preferably before bed, so I awaken to a clean kitchen). I don't think that has happened for at least this last two weeks. I even left dirty dishes in the sink when we went to Georgia for four days! Argh!

I can never figure out how it posts pictures on here. I think it works top to bottom. I wonder if I can rearrange after they post. hmmm... Here we go with some before and afters.

I wasn't able to work outside today. It rained ALL DAY. I went to the evil empire and purchased implements of destruction. The only thing I wasn't able to buy was a new mower blade, they were out of 20" blades. I probably won't mow again until the weekend anyway, so I can get one at Lowe's later this week.

Michael is home safely. The team placed second overall. He was viewing some results on his email and I took a look at them, but they were pretty meaningless to me because I don't really know how this race is run. I think he felt like he did well and so did the team and seemed happy, so that's what counts. Nobody on his team had any serious injuries this year. He said one rider on another team crashed into a fence and was bruised pretty badly but didn't break anything. I'm glad he's home. Just three more days and then school is over, then a few days and he's off to France next!

Positive thoughts for a successful week for Michael in finishing his school work and finals. I looked at the website for Harvey Mudd and tuition is $40,000 a year. I don't think Swarthmore is that high, but if he wants to go to these schools and not Purdue he definitely has to keep that 4.0!

1 comment:

Deb said...

Pictoral proof of a loving, lived-in home. Some days are more clear than others.