Why else would anybody drive to Ohio, sleep overnight in the Wal-mart parking lot, spend all that money on gas and get a sore butt? Ice Cream, of course! We met at Young's Jersey Dairy, which makes their own ice cream and also has pretty good food! We ate in the less formal side, called "The Dairy Store." I ordered this decadent Sundae for dessert and ate every bite of it, except the bowl, and I mean the waffle bowl. I was a little disappointed to find it not yummy. The other bites, however, were enough to make up for it!

Here is the instigator! Ann P. She knew Angie was moving from South to North, knew that She (Ann) was working somewhere in the middle during that time, and knew that I am willing to drive to meet internet friends in real life. She also knew she would have the time of her life spending a couple of hours with me in person! Here she is eating salady goodness. I'm going to tell a secret - Ann ate dessert first. She was probably the smart one and ended up eating less than the rest of us who ate "real food" first AND ice cream.

See how I am on dessert, and Ann is now eating salad? I think this is another little story I will use in my essay/ article I am going to write called, "Eat the Frosting First." Anybody have a clue where I got the title? Hint: it's from an episode told in a very famous book.

Angie! I was so happy to meet her. I hadn't even seen her picture and when she walked in I was SURE it was her, but I didn't want to approach her and make an ass of myself, so I waited for Ann to get out of the bathroom to come and introduce us. Angie was kind and cheerful and fun to talk to.. so what? you might ask... LOTS of people are kind and cheerful and fun to talk to, but this was in the middle of MOVING from LA to Michigan and driving with three children! I am amazed at Angie's feat accomplished so well.

This is Angie's husband, whose name I don't remember. Sorry husband. He was also pretty calm for the middle of the trip AND had to start his new job the very next day! He also was a good husband and dad who did a lot with the girls so Angie could spend a lot of this time talking to me and Ann. Thanks, husband!

This is one of the girls, whose names I don't remember at all. Those who know "the girls" said that is okay, often people don't remember or get mixed up and they are all used to being called "the girls," so I am safe on that one! I LOVE the blue ice cream lips!

The other two of "the girls." They were all polite and calm. I found myself fairly surrounded with unknown children, which can be a little unnerving to me. It never got to me on this day however. It must have been the perfect mixture of well-behaved and nice children, good parenting, a sort of chaotic atmosphere to start with and just that I was really happy to meet Angie and her family, have a chance to meet wth Ann again, and had enjoyed the rest of the day by myself and was just generally pleased and relaxed. YAY ME!
After Angie and family left - they had to drive the rest of the way to Michigan - Ann and I had an opportunity to sit and talk some more. I love her as much in person as I do online. She is kind, but no nonsense. I love the way that when I ask her for advice she does not enable me in being TOO whatever I am. She was encouraging for me in so many ways. Thank you Ann! I think you're the best. You and the mysterious Deb are some of my best advisors EVER in this life, I swear.
It's too late, but I am going to make one more mini-post to end this trip.
First it was a typo, and then a second error (unrelated to spelling). Trust me, it was a fun comment...
Exiting with laughter, saying that I can't blame it on my mysterious keyboard,
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