Saturday, July 25, 2009

One guess where I went today!

THE MALL! My favorite. Had to return one pair of shoes for another. It seemed like we ran errands all morning. When we got home Michael went in to school to finish packing the bikes and I worked in the garden. We got two hostas from a Freecycler while we were out and I planted those. I also finished a big patch of Canada thistle by the thyme. I may check finances tomorrow and see if I can afford to get some cheap annuals to fill in the space so it looks pretty. I also dug up all the roots of the thistle that Michael had sprayed with the organic weed killer. It did a pretty good job and some of the roots even felt dead and woody, rather than moist and ready to spring back into action. I will probably complete one side of edging the driveway tomorrow. It's about time for some new pictures. The squash plant is large and has a couple of impressive blossoms.

Katie and I went out to karaoke tonight. I realized it's really the last night of my vacation that I could go out. If I drive to the airport Sunday morning I certainly don't want it to be on just a few hours of sleep. It's 2:13 am and there are about 10 dogs barking outside. Grrr.... I should start going out and shooting video and reporting it to the Sheriff. It's got to be a public nuisance or something.

Oh well, more tomorrow. Maybe pictures!


Oh wait. I want to show Michael's cards he made. It's very important to have cards to give out in Japan. You don't give tips, you give small gifts and personal or business cards. That logo - I found the bike wheel online and he made that cello on the "Paint" program and superimposed it. I am impressed with it!

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