Monday, July 6, 2009

Still need to finish the trip, but now something completely different.

This is a copy of the note I put on FB tonight with a warning I will repeat - Don't read unless you want to know about donating to the Solar Racing team immediately... or something like that.

Here is the long, sad tale. I hope to make it a happy ending, with a little help from my friends.

Last year Michael's solar bike team was supposed to attend an international race in Japan. In the past they have attended the race every two years. Last year, however, there were not enough funds raised and the trip was postponed to allow another year for fund raising. Usually the team has managed enough corporate fund raising so that each team member has only to provide enough personal funds for their food and incidentals. Travel costs and lodging were covered by team funds. So Michael and I, fully expecting this to be the same this year, planned for him to travel to Japan. We are definitely a paycheck to paycheck lifestyle right now, and sometimes because of all the medical bills that doesn't even work out quite right.

In preparation for Michael's travel this summer with the orchestra to France, for which he had an anonymous donor, in addition to our fund raising efforts for the orchestra, the prospect of a new back door which has been broken for two years and completely unusable, and this trip to Japan, I took out a loan against my 401k. France trip is complete. Back door is complete. Enough money is left for Michael to eat in Japan. YAY...but wait a second. About a month ago there was a solar racing team meeting about the Japan trip. This was the first time I was fully made aware that once again, corporate fund raising had fallen short. At first I told the coach that Michael would not be able to go, then I decided I could not break the boy's heart and told her to go ahead and purchase his rail pass and his ticket, that Michael would attend EVERY additional fund raising event his summer, even if it meant keeping him from visiting his dad and resulted in his father pressing contempt of court charges against me - a threat he has made many times if we have requested Michael skip a visit for an extra curricular activity or family event for my family.

Michael HAS attended every fund raising event since that time - his father has even cooperated, to some extent. However, it's just too late. Hot dog stands aren't going to do it. The team is supposed to leave July 26th! Today I received an email from the coach that each team member either has to personally fund raise 700 additional dollars or pony up and pay the money themselves. I don't have $700 unless I don't pay my house payment and that is a dangerous situation I have been in before and do NOT want to face again. I don't even think saying Michael can't go now is a possibility, tickets are purchased. Michael is up in Greenfield going from door to door literally with businesses, asking for donations and sponsorship. He doesn't have much savings to contribute, as he has never been able to work a job because of his extra curricular and volunteer activities and having to visit his father every other weekend and half of each summer. He can't even mow lawns for money because of his allergies.

So here I am. I am asking any friend who is able and it not be a hardship to donate to the solar racing team in Michael's behalf. It is a non-profit organization and donations can get receipts to be used for tax deductions. Even a little tiny bit will help. If you are not sure that solar bike racing sounds like a good cause please understand that working toward saving the environment and using biking as a means to that end are causes that are very dear to Michael. He donates MANY, MANY hours of time to Community Bike Project, trying to make bicycles and knowledge of bike maintenance and repair available to our community. He plans to study engineering and though he is not quite sure of his career goals yet (an "engineering cellist" was the last one I heard!), wants to use his education and talent to better the world.

If you still are not convinced of the worthiness of solar bike, let me know. I will pledge that in proportion to your donation, Michael and/or I will donate our time to the community resource of your choice as long as it represents principals and values we also uphold. I am thinking at a rate of one hour of volunteer work for each $10, and try to complete the time pledges by the end of the next school year when Michael graduates.

I am going to spend some time tonight uploading some pictures and create an album about Michael and bikes so you can see that. Also, if anybody would like a list of community projects or resources from our area from which to choose I will look for an online resource. To learn more about the Bloomington HS South solar racing team go here: Michael is in the back row with his head turned to the side. If you scroll down a little there is a picture which includes the solar car. They will also be racing that in Japan! Keep on scrolling and click on "Help send the team to Japan in 2009"

If you or your company want a BIG tax deduction and your names on the next set of jerseys and T-shirts send LOTS of money! The next set of jerseys and T-shirts won't go to Japan, but the event in Missouri is an annual race and your name could be seen as a supporter of solar racing by teams all over the country! Of course team members will also wear them at future fundraisers, practices, other types of bike races... LOTS of exposure, lots of tax deductions, lots of loving the earth. Don't feel like there's a $700 limit either. I know at least one other team member is the son of a single mom and I don't know how she is going to work it.

I love my son. He loves biking. He wants to save the environment. I want to help provide him with this opportunity of a lifetime. I humbly ask for your help in all of the above.

(End of note)

I am embarrassed to do it. It feels like begging. Heck, it IS begging. I'm just sitting here holding on to that house payment money.... I don't even know what would happen if I said he can't go now. I would probably have to pay back the money that has already been paid for him and it is probably MORE than the $700. I feel very stressed about this, about my parents, about my family visiting in July, about Emily still not having a teaching job, about feeling crappy because of my poison ivy and blah! I think I am going to go take about 4 Benedryl and lapse into unconsciousness for at least four hours.

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