Monday, July 20, 2009

Photo Essay Part 7 (I think) The Frisch's Experience.

Souvenirs of my lunch experience. Can you tell what they say?

Here's a little clearer shot: Frisch's lollipops in all my favorite flavors! When I was little I think my favorite was cherry. Now I think it is the orange.

I had to take a picture of the Big Guy with his Big Boy sandwich!

My lunch! I had the Big Boy platter. You get to pick two sides. I had fries and Baked apples. I was disappointed that Frisch's no longer serves crinkle cut fries. The baked apples, however, were delicious!
Yum again!
This was always my favorite dessert at Frisch's - hot fudge cake! They have it now in a mini version, which only cost $1.50. That is what I chose and it was plenty. I knew I was going to an ice cream place in Ohio for dinner and that I would want ice cream again there! Dang! I've got that underline thing going on again and I am too lazy to look up Amber's directions on how to make it go away! Look it went away! Woo hoo! I want to add one more photo and it won't let me so I am going to make an additional post, just to show what the exterior of a Frisch's looks like these days - or at least part of it.

The reason I took so long to get to this segment was because I wanted to post some of the old pictures and write about how significant Frisch's was in our lives. I decided to go ahead and go for this and get on with the trip! There is still a lot to go. I will write later about Frisch's - maybe it will be a segment of "Half-Wit." I want to finish writing about the travel to Ohio weekend, though! Now I have even more stuff, like family reunion to write about!

I'm still recovering from that four loads of laundry complete and put away, load five in the dryer, just finished - it's not getting put away until tomorrow. Plus I weeded today, took a nap, made a simple dinner and did some other good stuff. Tomorrow is errand day. I am completely out of one kind of medicine and I don't like to do that! I had a great day. I did a lot of work, but it was on my own time schedule and no talking on the phone. What a relief.

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