Sunday, May 30, 2010

Random various assortment Attempt #2

Sprained ankle the night it happened. Owie! It's hard to tell in this picture, but that bruised bump was swollen about one and a half inches above usual skin level.
The new hole in the knee. Deeper this time, I think, but I didn't have to actually pick gravel out of it like last time.
The big screen in the stadium at University of Illinois. The Assemble Hall looks like a giant flying saucer - no kidding! I should have taken a picture of the exterior.
Seniors and coaches of Bloomington South Science Olympiad for Nationals. Michael wore his beautiful suit coat, but wore the blue, double knit turquoise houndstooth checked pants with it. Sigh...
This is what it is like in Northern Indiana where I came from.* * Disclaimer - this is actually in Illinois because when I was was in Indiana flatlands I was on the interstate and couldn't safely stop for a photo shoot, but it is the same topography.
This is South Central Indiana where I stayed. Whenever we drive through this area the first stanza of this poem comes to my head:

When you ask why I dwell here docile among the far green hills,
I laugh in my heart. My heart is happy.

The peach-blossom watches the river running, but remains content.
There is a better heaven and earth than the busy world of men.

Li Po as translated in The Jade Flute: Chinese Poems in Prose, Peter Pauper Press 1960
Michael with the mellow yellow cello on Senior Honors Night, May 17.
Michael getting his awards on Senior Honors Night.
Garet and me. It looks like I adore him or something, doesn't it?

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