Tuesday, June 19, 2018

June Minimalist Challenge #12 I OPENED SOME BOXES

And so many things are ready to go out....

I have some things I want to keep, but I know that it is a small enough amount that I should be able to organize them.

I have some items that I will scan and keep or photograph and keep. I have some items that I will offer to the cousins or other relatives and if they don't want them they are going out.

pretty sure this is a batch of 19 for today. I did take some individual photos from some of the envelopes. 

This was a batch of 20, counted for tomorrow, just in case I don't get a good opportunity to take a photo. I have a big meeting tomorrow night. 

Some clothes that went out tonight. 

to be donated

To be trashed. Lots have black mold and/or photos are stuck together

Black mold, but I am going to see if my cousin Liz wants this stuff. It has the Holt and Leeper family geneologies. My Uncle Harry's school safety patrol certificates and photos from 1943... 

Some of this has mold, but I want to try to do something with it anyway. My mom and dad's love letters are in here and I kind of feel like I should burn them.  

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