Wednesday, November 6, 2019

30 Days of Gratitude

I've been doing this on Facebook and decided that I would be better off to do it in the blog and START WRITING DAILY for at least the rest of the month!

Today's thing is a GADGET. My favorite gadget is probably my "In The Attic" knitting looms. I have probably made hundreds of hats over the years, some for me, some for gifts, and most have been donated to various places. I am trying to finish a few before the hat and mitten drive at work. They don't make or sell these type of looms anymore. There are many types sold in the craft and department stores, but they all have rigid rings and pegs. The ""In the Attic" looms that I bought years ago have soft, flexible pegs. They are easier to work with and they don't hurt my hands.

Knitting on the knitting looms is a million times easier than knitting with needles. I don't have to pay a lot of attention and can do it while watching movies or TV or talking to people. Being able to be "productive" while relaxing probably saved my sanity back when the children were home and in the years since. That is how long I have been doing this! Emily learned how to do it in Young Women's and brought a loom home. I borrowed it for a little while and made several hats. After a while I decided to purchase my own. The set of four was fifty-two dollars, if I recall correctly. That was a big investment at the time, but I have definitely gotten my "money's worth," probably even if you count the hundreds of dollars I have spent on yarn!

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