Thursday, November 7, 2019

30 Days of Gratitude #7

Day seven is "something old." I read that out loud earlier and Craig and I both laughed and gestured toward him, LOL. Really, he is a little younger than I am so I better not use that.

I have a lot of old somethings in my life. I really enjoy keeping things for a long time and using them until they wear out. Some of the things are EXTRA old though, and in part, that is what makes them special. This is a mixed bag... Several years ago in some moment of frustration I made some sort of post about how difficult it is for me to purge items when I feel some kind of attachment/responsibility to keep them to honor "family history." I implicated the views and practices of Mormonism at least partially for instilling that in me. It raised a kerfuffle! I still do believe that.

That being said, I especially enjoy a couple of items I have inherited that came from my Grandma Holt. I never knew her well. Grandma and Grandpa Holt had retired and moved to Phoenix early in my childhood. I only saw them once a year when they visited Indiana. I found many pictures of them in the boxes of   assorted ephemera and photos I ended up receiving from Mom and Dad. It made me wish I would have known her better. I have a set of glassware that were her bridge club set, I think. There was a pitcher and eight glasses. The pitcher was a victim of my moves in 2017 and I was really sad about that. I still have the glasses and they are displayed in a case. They have bright red flowers on them and I usually don't like red things or decor, but I love these.

I hope to find a new pitcher some day.

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