Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Photo post # 5 (That's it for tonight) Pinic with the Pops

More fireworks!
What a patriot. (Snicker - he wouldn't even say the "Pledge of Allegiance" in kindergarten!)
Nature threatened her own fireworks, but held off.
Getting dirty with a foam pickle. Later I wondered how many filthy hands had touched that nasty thing and felt practically sick about actually letting it touch my lips!
Emily will be mad at me if she reads this post and sees this.
Same thing about the germs with the foam hamburger. I must have been temporarily insane.
Yep - there he is! Still cute.
See - Michael was smart. I don't think he actually let the foam cheese touch his lips and he is the one who doesn't care about germs AT ALL. He thinks we should eat more dirt to build immunities!
Scott, Emily's boyfriend.

This is a local event called "Picnic With the Pops" The BSO plays show tunes, jazz classics, etc. The Singing Hoosiers sang. There was swing dancing... also some patriotic stuff. They end with "The Stars and Stripes Forever" and "The 1812 Overture" then go into the fireworks. When they first started they made it on 4th of July, but it upset the American Legion because then far fewer people attended their fireworks. Now they do it a week or two before to keep everybody happy. My company is a major sponsor so we got free tickets at tables which are normally $25 each - each SEAT, not each TABLE! If you're not rich enough to get a seat you STILL have to pay $5 per person just to come in and sit on your own blanket where you can't see any of the show until the fireworks. In a way, I think it's kind of a rip-off, sucky event. I have only gone the years we have been able to get free tickets. I don't even know who the money goes to - maybe it's a fund raiser for the symphony, which I SHOULD really support. We know many who play in the BSO AND they gave Emily a wonderful, amazing violin to use through high school so she didn't have to play a cheap rental.

It was a good night. I was really happy Scott and Emily were able to come down. They hadn't made it to Michael's Open House because Scott was on "storm call." I guess there are drawbacks to working for the electric company, even though it pays big bucks. Even when they came last weekend I guess there were still 90,000 people in Chicago without power so they almost didn't get to come. Silly midwest storms. Silly people who think fallen live electrical wires are problems! How dare they interfere with my family life?!

Well that's the end. I've been sitting here doing this forever. My tummy hasn't reacted badly to the food I ate so I may try a little more and then go to bed. I want to lose weight, but NOT because i eat food and it doesn't stay in! i want to eat the right amounts of the right kinds of food and have it make me STRONG! GGGrrrooowwwwllll.

Good night!

Photo post # 4 Fun Frolic.

I was trying to make it look like the moon was balanced on the post.
Lights on the back of a "Scrambler" seat.
The midway - not a lot of attractions this year - kind of disappointing. Fun Frolic used to seem like such a big deal
This is the ride we rode.
The "Gravitron" ride in action.
I like the clarity of the lights and the detail in this picture. I wish there were something more visually interesting about it.
During the ride.
Someone stuck a light saber in Garet's ear!
Before the force was with us.
"Gee - I am so innocently seated on the outside of the seat of a ride next to a very large woman. This ride is going to go so fast the centrifugal force will make her elbow practically puncture my spleen. This is gonna be great!"

Phot Post #4 "Decadent Garden Party."

The men of the garden party.
Stephanie and Renee.
Julia and??? braided Priscilla's hair. Pri was decked out in Brazil's colors because of the world cup - that's her land of origin.
??? and Julia.
Chilled peach soup with fresh flower garnish. I could only taste one bite - allergic to fresh peaches! I could really taste flowers in the soup as well!
Lime basil sorbet.
Grilled portabello mushrooms and fettuccine in cream sauce with truffle oil.
I meant to take a picture of every dish, but I was so busy enjoying them I forgot!

This party takes place every year and this was my first year to be invited. I went with my friend Debby, (Not of Debbie and Leandra, but ANOTHER Debby with whom I have been friends for 25 years!). Garet was in Canada hanging out in a cabin on an island without me! Everybody dresses nicely or maybe eccentrically, and each guest brings a bottle of wine. I took a bottle of wine, but I also took a lovely bottle of imported French lemonade, which I drank - still not into the wine thing. David Ernst (and now Priscilla, whom he married), hosts this party. It began at 6:00. Each course is prepared and served separately with lots of conversation and wine drinking in between. Dinner was not over until midnight! It is definitely what is termed "slow food" these days. It was wonderful food, good company and just all around a nice time. Some others are starting to post their pictures on Facebook. If I see some good ones I will try to repost them here.

Photo post # 3 Reverend Peyton's Big damn band.

The Big Damn Band only has three members...
We saw them at The Bluebird Nightclub. I also saw them last summer at the Taste of Bloomington. You can see a video of a song from their new album on You tube. I have to give Garet photo credit for the second and third pictures.

Photo post #2 A Day at the Farm redux + addendum

A couple of his photos Garet has displayed in his apartment.
A painting Garet's dad (Gary) made while in art school.
Pond picture with the correct orientation.
Yeah - he's cute!
I even PETTED a dog. Garet did tell me later that he noticed I gagged one time at dinner. I couldn't help it. One time the wind shifted and the dog smell overcame me. I am just glad I did not vomit all over the table. it was a close call - no kidding.

Photo post #1 Michael's graduation Open House.

Part of the display I made for the Open House - I did the same thing for Emily, only themed a little differently. I enjoyed doing this.
Oops! I rotated this one when I shouldn't have, now I can't get it to delete!
Cindy Kvale, solar bike coach, physics teacher, Science Olympiad coach.
She was a MAJOR good influence for Michael all through high school - oh! Also sponsors the backpacking club. I think she has traveled with Michael more in his lifetime than I have! Ian, Heather's boyfriend, and my sweet Garet.
More of the display. The important part of this one is the picture on the right of Heather teaching Michael at such a young age how to salt slugs. We're all about organic pest control around here! On the left demonstrates how early the bike thing started. See the blue and yellow tricycle - that's the one that got the first emergency room visit with five stitches!
A plaque Ms. Gouker (orchestra director/teacher extraordinaire)
gave Michael along with his special award.
Had to feature the honors night photo. Garet took this one.
He brought his good camera and took good pictures for me that night. He also took more formal pictures of people at the Open House. I need to find the disc and I will load some of them later.
Orchestra award.
I had to get this cool sticker for the display, of course!
The entire thing.
The result of several years of winning Science Olympiad competitions,
as well as a big fat college scholarship.
My brother Chris at the party.
Michael and Miko, Chris's daughter.
She is not only beautiful, she is a genius like Emily and Michael.
Michael and Karra.
We only have the best quality entertainment at our parties.
Mom, Michael's OTHER Uncle Chris (Ault), cousin Jade Ault, Dad, and the back of Karra's head.
Debbie, Miko and Leandra. Debbie and I met while working at the bank and Leandra and Michael went to preschool together. Now we live in the same neighborhood.
I love having friendships that last a long time.
Heather and Miko.