Saturday, January 29, 2011


This is the mountain I climbed (hiked up, really) back in my healthier days - Mt. Timpanogos, in Utah. I think the part we went to is the little dip after the first peak on the left. It is called the "saddle." We hiked at night and after we got to the top we laid there and rested and watched the sky. We came back down in the morning and as it grew light I realized how high we were and that we had walked along the edges of cliffs and I was terrified. Despite the terror, I would like to get healthy enough to do this again.

Photo credit to Chris Weber, who hiked with me, and cheered me on the entire way. The lucky woman lives out there and gets to hike in the mountains almost every day. I will also never forget Larry, who when I almost gave up said he would carry me if I stopped. He practically did have to lift me up that final little climb to the top and I probably wouldn't have made it without him!


Chris said...

Larry would love your comment. I hope you don't mind, I'm sharing a link to your blog with him.

Come back out and we will climb a smaller peak this time! I found a favorite like hike just north of Squaw Peak that doesn't take long to to get to the top and there is nothing so sheer you would get vertigo.

Hugs, and thanks for the memory!


Hope said...

Please do share with Larry! I miss him, even though he checked in infrequently.

Amber said...

What year did we do the cave? I was telling Steve that we did it and he doesn't remember- and I don't really remember him being there but I remember YOU being there- so I'm thinking it was on a solo trip up there (although I'm sure I had at least one kid). I'm thinking for some reason I was pregnant with Annika.

Hope said...

I'm pretty sure we did it and Steve had one baby in the backpack. I remember Michael (and maybe Hannah) RAN all the way up and I was dragging...but I made it. Was that the year we camped right by this rock outcropping and Michael and Angela kept going up there and saying it was "Pride Rock?" Maybe they were 11 0r twelve, which would have been about 8 years ago. I have pictures from a lot of those trips. Maybe I can find some and we will be able to place the time better.

Miguel said...

I'm so jealous I remember all of us starting the hike and most of us turning around after a while, but wish I could have made it all the way up with you guys..I was nowhere in shape to do that, but I hope that if I ever get the chance to do it again...

Hope said...

Miguel - now you are in shape and I am a wreck. I'll keep working on it and we will do something spectacular! I am going to try positive thinking about my health. I'm just as tired of complaining all the time as I am tired of being sick.