Monday, September 1, 2008

I was right

Roma has been in his room packing. He just got in the shower and I had to go put the dishtowel in the hamper and could see that he has been packing. He even made the bed. I hope he's not planning on running away in the night because that would be a bigger deal than it is worth. I cannot stay up all night and guard, however. I suppose I could sleep on the couch to make sure he doesn't use the computer and/or leave. I don't think I will however. If I wake up and he is gone and all his stuff his gone I will define it as enough of an emergency to call Cathy's cell phone even though she is out of town, and probably call the Sheriff, too. Little asshole. I don't think I have ever felt so much animosity toward a teenager since I have been one myself. I was VERY angry sometimes with Ramsey, Emily's old boyfriend, and he REALLY deserved it, but that was mild compared to this.

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