It's snowing like a freakin' blizzard!
Meme copied from Randi's blog: just for fun.
A-Available - Available for having fun, available for a relationship, available for more time commitments, that might be questionable!
B-Best friend - I feel like I have a lot of best friends, but long term is probably Lu.
C-Cake or Pie? - Cake, chocolate, with chocolate frosting.
D-Drink of choice: Pepsi, but I try to drink water to help with my swelling problems. I'm not sure why drinking MORE water helps you retain LESS water. I know it has to do with solubility and stuff like that, but I wish I could drink more of the tasty stuff!
E-Essential - Creative things to do.
F-Favorite color - Blue. I really like cobalt blue.
G-Gummi bears or worms: Bears, lick 'em and stick 'em. I don't really like to eat either of them.
H-Hometown: Well, born in Lafayette, but I have lived in Bloomington longer now, so consider it home.
I-Indulgence: Chocolate malts
J-January or February: Hate them both in Indiana, too damn cold. But I guess, maybe February if I had to choose, because Valentine's day is happy fun.
K-Kids and names: Already done with that! At one point I had TEN names picked out for children. I ended up using three of them, Emily, Megan and Michael. I had to use Brittain for Michael's middle name because it is Ed's family name, but I wouldn't have chosen it otherwise. I don't hate it or anything, though.
L-Life: is busy, happy and sometimes a little tiring.
M-Marriage date: I am repressing it. I don't know if there will ever be a second one.
N-Number of siblings: 3
O-Oranges or apples: Oranges. I like apples, but can only eat them if they are cooked, otherwise I have an allergic reaction that is really severe!
P-Phobias: I don't really think I have any TRUE phobias. I don't like heights. Sometimes I wonder if like being home alone so much that I could develop agoraphobia, but if I start to think it is happening I will get help immediately because I know I have to be able to function.
Q-Quote: Hmmm... I don't know if I have a favorite quote. There is one that says something about dancing that I printed out and posted at work and then I added "and sing." but I can't remember exactly how it goes! Erin? Oh I have one posted on my door from Frank Lloyd Wright. It says, "Room, Peace, Comfort" I also posted Patti Field's "Goals for Children" and subtitled it, "For everybody, really." If anybody is interested in knowing what those are, comment and I will post them, They are fantastic!
R-Reason to smile: Paying bills on time!
S-Season: Summer and Spring and fall, anything but winter!
T-Tag - you're it!
U-Unknown fact about me: Oh gosh. I don't know if there are any unknown facts about me. I write about every trivial event in my life! Maybe I will have to go back into my past.... ummmm... I never went to a high school prom.
V-Vegetable you don't like: So far I haven't found a way I like eggplant.
X-X-rays you have had: Teeth, elbow, wrist, ankle, shins, feet, head.
Y-Your favorite food: Chocolate frosting, but Michael says I'm not allowed to say that because it isn't real food, but I think it is! Of REAL food, probably chicken.
Z-Zodiac: Libra - I guess that is why I am a perfect balance of neurotic and normal!
I have been thinking of my brother Bobby a lot today. My niece Barbara got married yesterday (Congratulations Barbara!) and I wonder if it was a little bittersweet for the family with him not there. He was such a great man and a wonderful father. I miss him terribly and Michael misses him terribly and we didn't even get to see him that often. I can't even imagine what it must be like for Karen and his children. My heart aches just typing that short paragraph. I remember how at Kwanzaa dinner Michael named Bobby as the ancestor he would like to honor and it touched my heart so much. I wish Michael could still have Bobby in his life. Michael will spend half the summer at his dad's, but I am thinking of asking him (along with cooperation of my nieces, who may be reading this!) if he is interested in going out west without me for a couple of weeks so he can see my nieces and especially my nephew in laws so he can see some more positive male role models who are not crazy, bi-polar assholes like his father. I would hate not seeing Michael for that long this summer, but I couldn't afford tickets for both of us, especially with the fares going up with the oil prices. When we get the "economic stimulus check" however, I might spend it on a ticket for him if we come to a plan.
Spaghetti sauce is simmering and the house smells heavenly Italian. I put in some extra rosemary from what Christie gave me for my birthday and I dried. It is going to be extra rosemary sauce. I didn't put in that much, but it must get extra concentrated when you home-dry it!
Losing a Parent
6 years ago
We'd love to see you guys this summer.
It was hard having the first wedding since his death. It makes my heart ache thinking about it.
I think it would have been a good time to be you and been caught up in the "busyness" of the food prep and the catering part to keep distracted from the heartache, even though it would still be there and difficult.
Honestly I was too angry to think about it most the time. It was hard not to think about him in the temple- but the dealing with Barbara's new FIL was frustrating and upsetting generally. I think I focused more on that emotion to block out the others.
Ooh, that sounds like a story to hear - maybe in a different forum.
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