Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Back on Track Report 9-14-10

Tonight my body said, "REST!" so I did it. I came home to some lovely roommate-prepared food, ate, then lay in my bed and rested! I felt a little bit guilty about missing the dancefit class tonight, but I could tell I was just, plain tired. Part of "Back on track" is listening and obeying those signals!

I did NOT make a list tonight. This is a pretty big deal. Instead I gave a ride, had a snack, played my Facebook games, polished my coppper-bottomed pans and knitted while I watched Glee.

I feel good about resting when I needed to - I can hit a class tomorrow and I will have more energy and enjoy it more. It's hip-hop dancefit and it's fun because I don't know the music, yet I enjoy it. I don't really listen to "pop" music (although, ironically, I am listening to Christina Aguilera right now, inspired by Glee), so it is new and fun. Maybe I'll get to shake my fat ass to Single Ladies again tomorrow - another song familiar from Glee!

My goal every night is to try to get to bed by midnight (working my way back to 11:00) and I hardly ever do it, but I am damn close tonight and I'll be going soon!

Oh, and knitting is part of Back on Track - I always tried to donate at least 10 hats every year and last year didn't do ANY. I already have a few ready and I am so glad! It's going to be cold before we know it! Getting back to doing volunteer activities for the community, instead of only for my children's extra curricular activities is a good place I want to be.

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