Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Catchy Title here:

I'm super tired tonight. I kind of had hurty feet and I did a lot of lawn mowing anyway. I gave away a couple of things - one through Freecycle and one to a friend. I made the pile bigger for Habitat ReStore.

Gave away the keyboard on Freecycle

This is the batch for Habitat ReStore there are eight things here, I promise, that makes it nine for today.

Except crap, as I typed the nine above I realized that today is the 10th, AND I called my mom to wish her a happy birthday.

There. I went a grabbed an Orson Scott Card book and threw it in a donate box. I'm so sad that I've discovered what a misogynistic homophobic jerk is Orson Scott Card. blech. I'd like to burn his books...well, not really. A couple of them are quite beautiful and I need to take them at their own value and ignore the author.

That's all for tonight, so tired.

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